Sunday, February 18, 2024

I’m back! Some Krofft news

  It’s been several years since I last wrote on The Bugaloos portion of this blog and Puppies! 

A few updates so far in the 2020’s some of which are good and a few are sad!

The good stuff 

September 12, 2020 for the 50th Anniversary for The Bugaloos I got to participate for the 50th Anniversary in a Zoom reunion chat with some of the band members/cast members and creator Sid Krofft along with a few Bugaloos fans. It was a incredible experience and it was a joy seeing Caroline Ellis on my iPhone screen along with John Philpott, Joy Campbell McKenzie and Wayne Laryea’s sister Vilma and Sid Krofft, unfortunately Wayne Laryea wasn’t able to attend but he did send a message which was nice. Big John Mcindoe and Sharon Baird were supposed to attend but had zoom trouble and were unable to make it. The cast told stories. Sid Krofft also amused us with stories of his career. 

On my birthday in 2021 one of my good Krofft/Bugaloos fans sent me all four of The Bugaloos autographs, and I also received that Christmas a Sparky firefly plush from one of the Bugaloos actors Wayne Laryea and his sister Vilma along with a handwritten note and a Christmas card. I was so touched

In May 21 2022 I attended the first ever Krofft Kon at Orinda California and met briefly both Sid and Marty Krofft. Sid and Marty were kind enough to sign some autographs for me. I also met one of Marty’s daughters. My brothers also attended and it was one of the highlights of 2022. Sharon Baird attended the convention but I didn’t get a chance to say hi she had too many people at her table. Caroline Ellis zoomed at the event from Spain and everyone at the convention cheered.

Sadly on November 25 2023 Marty Krofft passed away from kidney failure. He is very much missed and will be remembered as one of the creators of so many Krofft shows. 

It is now 2024 and the Krofft shows including The Bugaloos are available to stream on the Roku Channel, Cineverse, Tubi TV, Midnight Pulp and the Dove Channel. Tubi TV, Cineverse and Roku Channel are free to watch for anyone interested. One of the complaints for the free streaming is the commercials but I see it as the price you pay to watch for free. Midnight Pulp and Dove Channel both require payment subscriptions. 

I’m not sure if there will be another Krofft Kon this year but one can dream.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Update on The Bugaloos pilot

It was a little over two years ago when I posted on this blog about The Bugaloos preschool pilot and there is an update. Marty Krofft talked about the pilot during a radio interview almost a year ago that the pilot wasn't picked up by Nickelodeon and was ultimately scrapped. According to Marty, they will be reshooting the pilot and that this time this Bugaloos series will not be for preschoolers so it's early days as well as unknown at this time if the new series will be for younger or for older kids

Marty said in that same interview that they got Randy Jackson for the music so it should be interesting.

I am going to come out and say, surprisingly I will be on board of the idea of a new Bugaloos series. As gobsmacking as this post is, I am ok with it, as long as they keep most of the original characters from the series and that they allow the original Bugaloos actors to participate.

It's still early days apparently so I'm hoping the months that follow will shed more information on the pilot and who will be playing who? Oh well we will just have to take it one step at a time!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hey guys, just a quick announcement

Since there is no news in regard to The Bugaloos pilot, I'm putting this blog on hiatus for temporary and am going to write on my Puppies blog instead about my Animal Crossing Gamecube game

I'm hoping news of the pilot getting picked up will be announced in time, but it could be possibly January or February 2018 before Marty even lets news of the pilot getting picked up or not get slipped.

Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait and see,

Until then this is my last post for a while

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sigmund and the Sea Monsters reboot is fantastic, looking forward to The Bugaloos reboot

Sigmund and the Sea Monsters was a popular kids show created by Sid and Marty Krofft. The Kroffts are also known for creating H.R. Pufnstuf, Lidsville, Land Of The Lost, The Krofft Supershow and The Bugaloos.

After having watched all seven Sigmund episodes on Amazon Prime, I am actually giving this show a seal of approval. It's a cute modern approach update to the original series. Instead of a living with a housekeeper, Johnny and Scott are spending the summer with their aunt and cousin when they discover Sigmund. Sigmund's sea monster family are not as mean as in the original show and there is a villain this time around with Captain Barnabas.

The kids themselves are very cute, and I liked the actors portraying them. David Arquette plays a fantastic villain and I am just blown away with the visuals, I like Sigmund and Blurp and Slurp and also the cameos of Johnny Whittaker (who later becomes a recurring character in the remaining 6 episodes) and Sid and Marty Krofft I think Scott Kolden made an appearance in an episode.

The new show is very cute and surprisingly they did a great job. They made the magic of the Krofft remain in the updated version. I also liked the trivia with Billy Barty's son visiting the set. I hope there will be a second season of Sigmund.

Now I can relax and know the new Bugaloos reboot is in good hands, The Kroffts obviously know what they are doing and I'm looking forward to watching the new Bugaloos grow up and have new adventures, and of course I am hoping for cameos with the originals.

5/5 stars for Sigmund and the Sea Monsters

Here's hoping for a Bugaloos pilot pick up and a second season of Sigmund

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Question and Answer Regarding the new Bugaloos series

Elizabeth here, I’m going to post this as a question and answer regarding questions people might have of the Bugaloos preschool remake!

Q1: Do you know when this series will air, (in other words a premiere date) or what network this will be on?

A: Unfortunately I can't give that information out just yet, as the series pilot hasn't been sold as of yet. The pilot was created for Nickelodeon but as of now Nickelodeon hasn't picked up the series yet and this show could run as far as I know on CBS or any sister network. As soon as the Kroffts give out more info regarding the new Bugaloos series I will update a premiere date and a network announcement on this facebook page

Q2: Are the New Bugaloos still British and are British actors going to be playing them like in the original show?

A: They are British but Brits don’t play them. They are actually played by American children with fake British accents.

Q3: Will the original Bugaloos cast members  (John Mcindoe, Caroline Ellis, John Philpott and Armartie (Wayne) Laryea) play a part in the remake or at least make a cameo? What about a reunion and a fan event?

A. Honestly I would love to say the original Bugaloos band members will play a part in the remake or at least make a few cameos as the grandparents or whatever of the new Bugaloos, but that isn’t my announcement to make. It is really up to both Sid and Marty Krofft as they own the name The Bugaloos.  I did write a fan letter to the Kroffts expressing how much I would love to see the original band members on the new series so I hope they take it into consideration. As for the question of a reunion with the original band members and a possible fan event, I cannot say about that either, In the same letter I wrote to the Kroffts I did express a fan event to meet the original Bugaloos cast and get a photo with all four of them and their autographs. But however the new Bugaloos pilot hasn’t been sold yet so any reunion or at least a fan event for Bugaloos fans wont happen until the series does get sold so to speak. In other words any reunion of our original Bugaloos is in limbo until further notice.

Q4: Who are playing the new Bugaloos and Benita Bizarre?

A: Rachel Eggleston plays Joy, Gavin Lewis plays IQ, Nathaniel Cullors plays Harmony, Shelby Simmons plays Courage and Lise Simms is playing Benita Bizarre

Q5: Do you know who is playing Woofer Tweeter Sparky and Funky Rat in the remake?

A: No unfortunately I don't sorry! I'll update that information when this show gets picked up.

Q6: Will you be reviewing the new series or creating a fan page for the new Bugaloos show

A: You know, I have been a Krofft fan since ten and a Bugaloos fan since I was like twelve years old. I personally am on the fence on the remake on one hand Lise Simms is fantastic as Benita Bizarre and the visuals were just breathtaking I really loved the scenery, It just blew me away and Sparky was just adorable. He really looked more like a real firefly. And another good plus was Woofer and Tweeter’s designs, which looked more, like real robots and the Bugaloos costumes looked like real bugs. On the other hand both The Bugaloos being Americanized this time around and of course Funky Rat’s design just made me sad. The original Bugaloos is my childhood and I dearly love the old show, I’ve practically memorized the characters and the songs. I’m still debating about a new Bugaloos Facebook page dedicated to the new series, but it probably won’t happen Nickelodeon or whatever will probably make one if this series ever gets picked up. I’m not a fan of the new show just yet, so we’ll see. I will be posting reviews from my new Bugaloos preschool review blog, so who knows

Q7: Would you consider showing the new series to your (future) children someday or maybe future nieces and nephews?

A: Well of course, I don’t see why not. I grew up with the original Bugaloos and it was magical. It just brought out the fantasy. I think of this new show as nostalgia there are going to be grownups that will watch this with their kids and relive their childhood memories, and grown ups like me who love the original show, keep in mind the new series is geared toward preschoolers so small children are going to get to see The Bugaloos as a more updated remake

But yes if I do ever have children and or nieces or nephews this show will defiantly will be something I will have them watch. Kid shows today aren’t what they used to be.

   Q8: Any last words you might have?

Yeah! I really think this new Bugaloos show will be a huge success, The original Bugaloos aired almost 47 years ago and the fan base for this show has been huge and strong. I really think fans of the original show should give this new preschool reboot a chance to thrive; it can be a win-win so to speak. The original Bugaloos can get a closure with the original band members in the reboot, the new Bugs can take over and who knows maybe this show will have a cult following of its own. I seriously think kids today will love the reboot, I mean Mutt & Stuff was successful and it did last two seasons and 73 episodes, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters also just got rebooted and their first season just finished filming and will be released on Amazon in November so I am sure The Bugaloos preschool updated version will be a hit. I mean The Wiggles, Doodlebops and Fresh Beat Band are huge and successful kid shows so I have no doubt The Bugaloos will be a success too.

Monday, August 7, 2017

No word on the new Bugaloos preschool series, But I did send a fan letter to Sid and Marty Krofft

So it has been two weeks since Comic Con San Diego and I of course have been scanning the internet on the news of The Bugaloos updated preschool series. I did send MeTV a message last Monday regarding the new Bugaloos and asked since both The Bugaloos and Sigmund and the Sea Monsters are getting the reboot treatment. (Sigmund is coming out on Amazon in November) could they considering airing Sigmund and the Sea Monsters and The Bugaloos original series on MeTV to show the newer generation of Krofft fans their original work. I hope they read my message and really take it to consider it.

I also wrote a fan letter to Sid and Marty Krofft, exaggerating on how I loved the reboot Bugaloos preschool series and explained how much the original show really meant to me. I asked about a Bugaloos reunion with the original Bugaloos, as I expressed how much I want to meet the band members in real life and get a photo with all four of them and their autographs. In other words I kept referencing a reunion and a fan event in my letter. I'm praying Sid and Marty will both read my newer fan letter, I did send them a typed fan letter signed by me four months ago and a self addressed stamped envelope, but I never did get a response. I actually pardoned it though because I understand how the Kroffts are very busy.

I also gave the Kroffts a Bugaloos art drawing of both the original Bugaloos and the newer Bugaloos, Hopefully the Kroffts give in with me and several other fans as quite a number of people sent fan letters to the Kroffts and they finally let the reunion happen. I'm pretty sure all four Bugaloos would love to meet the fan base. And I think they'd like to meet me too.

The only way a reunion will happen is if the new Bugaloos show gets picked up. And to be honest with a lot of you guys, I actually predict this show will get picked up next month and filming will start in early 2018. Possibly by the summer of 2018 or late fall then maybe they will have a reunion with the original cast members and a fan event for the rest of us.

Monday, July 24, 2017

In regards to Saturday's Comic Con and The new Bugaloos series

Saturday came and so did the Krofft's panel. Fortunately the Kroffts themselves had some girl film the entire Comic Con Panel live on their Facebook page. So I saw part of the panel well, I watched part of it on the Facebook Krofft page.

They had a couple of teaser trailers regarding the new updated versions of their shows such as Mutt & Stuff, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters which looked very cool and then it came to the Bugaloos trailer, first they showed clips of the original series with If You Become A Bugaloo in the background and then the remake appeared next. I was just blown away with the visual effects. Oh my god it really looked like a forest, so I was very happy. Another good plus on my part was they had clips of Sparky, Woofer and Tweeter and Funky Rat and Benita Bizarre was not played by Cyndi Lauper. Apparently it was misinformation that she was signed on to play Benita Bizarre. However Lise Simms who played Benita in the pilot was just brilliant. She even carelessly tossed a boa around and it was like a homage to the original Martha Raye Benita.

The costumes were gorgeous and the wings were just, my gosh real lifelike insect wings so I will say I was very impressed. Since the new series is geared toward preschoolers The Bugaloos themselves looked like ten to twelve year old kids which wasn't bad in my part however I had a problem with the music because the theme song that was played during the clips (possibly the new series theme?) It did not sound that great. I need time to get used to it! The other characters Sparky, Woofer and Tweeter and Funky Rat were given updated new looks. Woofer and Tweeter looked more like robots than stereo equipment. Sparky was just adorable despite being smaller than the original. Funky Rat looked creepy as hell, he just looked weird. Another flaw was that I didn't hear any british accents but I guess i can pardon that because of the not good theme song playing in the background. They all sounded like Americans but whatever!

I promised my fan page I would review the new show so I am hoping this gets picked up by either CBS or Nick. Daria returned from Comic Con and explained she tried to convince the Krofft brothers of a reunion with the original band members. Sid is on board with it but Marty was like yeah I'll think about it. Also Daria said during the screening everyone clapped and applauded when the original show clips appeared on the screen but when the remake with the new kids popped on everyone fell silent and lost interest. That itself just tells the Kroffts no one liked it.

I really think shockingly this new series has potential and all fans should shower this with love. If the Kroffts see how much the original fans like the new show then it will lead to a reunion. As of now the new updated Bugaloos series is still in limbo. No network has picked this up and it's possible a different network than Nickelodeon will grab it. There is no air date yet as the series as I stated before isn't picked up yet.

And just as a prediction, I predict the new series will get picked up in the late fall of 2017 and filming will start early 2018. Hopefully by then the Kroffts will have a reunion for us Bugaloos fans and for the band members