Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My favorite Bugaloo

Im actually going to list a few of my favorite characters.

1.) Sparky- Sparky was just like me in many ways. He was afraid of heights, the dark, and many other things. Well Sparky always got a good quote from any Bugaloo telling him he needed to believe in himself one of the quotes came from IQ "It just goes to prove, you can do anything you want to as long as you got confidence in yourself." Sparky was lovable, shy and bumbling, he was also very gullible
and often believed in stuff such as pranks like Joy was 80 etc. So thanks Sparky for helping to believe in myself.

2.) Harmony- Harmony was what I wanted for a big brother/father. I never had a older brother as I was the eldest. Harmony was cool funny and smart. Oh he was very handsome. Even if i have to wait till i die to meet Wayne so be it cause im sure he's glad that i like The Bugaloos. Harmony is a bumblebee and he played the keyboard

3.) I.Q. was tall blonde and handsome, He was a grasshopper cute and loving. He was number 2 of my crushes. I.Q. was also like an older brother to me. He taught me to believe in myself when no one else did. I think he is cool too!

4.) Courage was cute too. He was always concerned for his friends and his courage made me feel braver. He was also like an older brother. Courage was a male ladybug who played the drums

5.) Joy was like my older sister, So kind and caring to Sparky and the boys. She reminded me of Snow White a little bit. She liked animals and treated the bug boys as if they were her brothers.

And that;s all my favorite characters so thanks for reading!

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