Saturday, January 12, 2013

Martha Raye, A Legend

I would like to write about the great Martha Raye, Although I never knew her personally I would like to thank the late Martha Raye. Martha Raye died in 1994 while i was still a baby so even though i've never met Maggie. I knew her on Pufnstuf the movie and The Bugaloos. So although i never got to meet her . i want to thank her.

Martha aka Margaret Teresa Yvonne Reed was born August 27 1916 in Butte, Montana. Her parents were in show business. So at the age 3 she started to perform with her brother Bud. Martha Raye had little education as she only went to school until the 5th grade. Because of her little education she had to have someone read documents and scripts to her. Tony Charmoli who directed The Bugaloos remembers this of Martha. "She would have a girl read the script for the day to her while she was getting her make up done and she would memorize her lines by the time we were ready to shoot the scene she knew all of her lines"

Martha Raye was sucessful in show business as she always got good pay. Many people didn't know that she was also a hero. Durning World War II, the Korean War and mostly the Vietnam War she entertained the troops and did comedy. Martha Raye was a sweet caring woman who cared about her troops. She worked with Bob Hope and many other comedies. Durning the Vietnam War, Martha was blacklisted in Hollywood for supporting the Vietman War. Durning that time two puppeteers named Sid and Marty Krofft dragged Martha Raye out of retirement and put her first in their movie Pufnstuf That led her to being casted in The Bugaloos. The younger costars Caroline Ellis Wayne Laryea, John Mcindoe and John Philpott all said she was *wonderful* to work with. You could really tell they meant it as they raved about her.

Martha Raye continued to sucess until her untimely death. She was married to her seventh husband (she was married seven times) Mark Harrison. She is survived by a daughter Melanie by her fifth husband and a grandson. So to Martha Raye thank you so much for being on The Bugaloos you must be more beautiful and happy in heaven knowing i like her show.

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