Monday, June 16, 2014

How The Bugaloos Changed My Life

    My name is Elizabeth Marie Ann Connell and I am the biggest Bugaloo fan there is and am proudly
the creator of my Bugaloos fan page on Facebook please visit
I also like Family Matters, Full House (The first 3 early seasons) and other Sid and Marty Krofft shows.
A little about my life, I was born November 15 1993, a great many years ago I might dare say (just kidding) to a attorney and a housewife, My father worked as a attorney for a bunch of other places. My mother worked at Safeway's offices doing paperwork before she signed up to be laid off. My dad probably would be proud especially since he also was a Bugaloos fan too.

I was born with a learning disability, which means I was born with a low muscle toe and a small form of autism, that means I had floppy muscles and couldn't cut well and I couldn't write great until elementry school, I also get tired easily if i run. I had to do therapy to walk and also to speak in complete sentences. I was picked on till the 7th grade, I've been to school for 15 now 16 years and I am pretty much normal except for math which I hate hate and hate forever. Math makes me feel stupid, English makes me feel smart. My father died when I was eleven it changed my life
   The first reason why I grew up liking The Bugaloos so much was because  Big John (Mcindoe), Little John (Philpott) {There are two Johns in the series} Caroline Ellis and Wayne Laryea (or as Elizabeth Josh's cousin refers him as Mr Harmony because she can't pronounce Armartie as his now name) were all like my big brothers and sister, I never did have any older siblings as I was the oldest of 3 yes three children. I have 2 younger brothers

The Bugaloos was also the place where I could go and ignore blissfully the fucking problems of my family life, the bullying and hypocrites. Anyways the show built conference in me, I also now believe in myself more because of Big John, Caroline, Wayne and Little John. I looked up to The Bugaloos as a kid

Thanks to the Bugaloos Im in college planning in majoring in early childhood development and am also going to get a bachelors degree in teaching. I ride horses, play soccer and am living life to the fullest. I like puppets, kids animals and I want 21 pets that include 5 dogs, 2 cats, an anole lizard, a hamster, a pond full of goldfish, 2 horses, backyard chickens, 3 goats, 2 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, 2 hermit crabs, a corn snake, a tortoise,  3 turtles, and an aviary full of canaries and parakeets, I would also like 2 rats, a parrot, a crayfish some ducks and 4 mice. I also would like to have 7 kids, but I can take 5. My hobbies are playing soccer, collecting old toys and books, I also draw and am learning to play the guitar.

Well that's me if you want to know about The Bugaloos visit my fan page
Also Bill Ung's great website

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